Charting a course to balanced cameras (with a DSC color chart)

August has been a very busy and exciting month for me. I’ve had the opportunity to cut numerous promos for Discovery Networks. Unfortunately, amid all the hubbub, I was unable to attend the latest FCP X Round Table. Taking their rightful places at the table were FCPWORKS‘ Noah Kadner, editors Mike Matzdorff and Chris Fenwick, as well as trainers Mark Spencer, Steve Martin, and Alex Lindsay.

Last month, Noah Kadner asked if I’d be interested in writing up a guest blog for their site. I was happy to oblige and wrote up the following article about color matching my GH2, GH3, and GH4. It quickly became apparent that I’d also need to include a video tutorial to support the article. And so I did just that!

The article can be found here:

Michael Garber on the GH4 and FCP X

The video is here:

I Needed an FCPX Editor Banner Picture!

I Need an FCP X Editor!As they say, ask and ye shall receive. This past weekend, I asked fellow FCPX editor Sam Woodhall if he would be interested in designing a new banner pic for my Facebook group. He responded immediately saying that he had “some ideas.”

Five minutes later, I received the above pic. After a healthy dose of laughter, I knew that this would be a great addition to the page. I love the hi-con FCPX clapboard. Great work, Sam!

In case you are unaware, the I Need an FCPX Editor group on Facebook is currently the only place (that I know of) where you can post and find jobs that are cutting on FCP X. There are two groups, actually. The second one is a Los Angeles edition. You’ll find no hyperbole here… just jobs.

Both groups are currently relatively small, but are growing steadily. If you are a producer or editor who uses FCPX, I highly recommend that you stop by to check it out! Both are closed groups, so please click “Join” and I’ll add you.